Blog & News
Embedded, necessary, meaningful – are these ingredients sufficient for a sustainable RRI future?
As far as RRI is concerned, it is a concept that has been developing for more than a decade, yet even today, it faces a considerable number of...
Regional Exchange between Karlsruhe (Karlsruhe Technology Region), Germany and Tampere (Pirkanmaa), Finland
In the first months of the TetRRIS project, it became clear that the pilot regions of Karlsruhe (Germany) and Tampere (Finland) are similar in many...
Applying the Materiality Matrix for Responsible Regional Innovation
In November, Konstantina Varlami and Emad Yaghmaei, from our partner YAGHMA, participated in the ISPIM - International Society for Professional...
Global innovation ecosystem gathering – the High-Level Forum brought the international innovation community to Tampere
The High-Level Forum (HLF) Summit is the annual face-to-face meeting of the HLF Network - a three-day event dedicated to innovation. The HFL Summit...
Sprint Innovation festival –metaverse in regional green digital transition?
Think about the technological development that has taken place during the last 20-30 years, and how much digitalisation has already changed...
Responsible Dimensions for Regional Innovation
To better understand the perceived benefits and shortcomings of the pilot activities, a short survey was carried out with regional stakeholders to...
The 3rd ‘Citizen and Stakeholder Participation’ practitioner network workshop in Karlsruhe focuses on conflict solutions
The TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe held the 3rd workshop of the ‘Citizen and Stakeholder Participation’ practitioner network on 25 November 2022 at the...
Setting up the TetRRIS Policy Lab
On October 13, 2022, the first session of the TetRRIS Policy lab took place. This was the first session of the lab, but it was also a long-awaited...
Successful TetRRIS Workshop on looking ahead at RRI, S3 and sustainability
On October 13, the TetRRIS project successfully held a public workshop on What can Responsible Research and Innovation offer Smart Specialisation...
Upcoming Event on October 13th: What Can RRI offer S3 in their reorientation towards sustainability?
On October 13th, 2022 from 9:00-10:30 am, TetRRIS is hosting an event on "What can Responsible Research and Innovation offer Smart Specialisation...
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