Pilot Regions
tetRRIS is, as a project, is centrally focused on territories. The research and innovation policy systems (TRIS) and regional development of these territories are the core spaces through which the four pilot experiments’ activities and research will be organised. Within tetRRIS four territories brought together by pilot experiments: Tampere Region; Karlsruhe Technology Region; the Autonomous Community of Cantabria; Szeged-Timisoara region.
Pilot 1 – Tampere Region
The Finnish region of Tampere has a high level of economic development impact in Finland and beyond.

The Council of Tampere Region (Pirkanmaan liitto in Finnish) acts as regional development and regional planning authority for the municipalities in the region. It also promotes the region and has a broad scope of non-statutory activities and operations, which are defined and emphasised by the special characteristics of the region. Although land-use planning is one of the Council’s priorities, innovation activities and future well-being of the region are equally important for the Council.
The Council is involved in developing EU regional policy and draw up the programmes required for the granting of support from EU structural funds for their own regions and in part they also implement them. The Council is responsible for Regional Development Strategy and Smart Specialization Strategy.
Pilot 2 – Karlsruhe Technology Region
Equally strong in research, private and public, the region is a home to four Fraunhofer Institutes and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
With TetRRIS, the region seeks to address the need to scale mobility and transport solutions with multiple public and private actors integrating the concepts of RRI and S3 and their integration to regional innovation strategies with a view to increasing the understanding of sustainability across policy/society/environment.
karlsruhe technology region disposes of a very high level of economic development with leading international firms, innovative smeS AND STARTUPS WITHIN ITS TERRITORIAL BOUNDARIES.
Pilot 3 – Autonomous
Community of Cantabria
Cantabria in northern Spain is a region which is relatively smaller and less populated than peer Spanish regions.

As a moderate innovator, the region is however experienced in industrial development. While there are strong traditional sectors of the region that rely on manufacturing and automotive industries, emerging sectors of the region in the renewable energy and marine technologies are the route through which Cantabria will transition towards a low-carbon economy while enjoying a buoyant innovation ecosystem.
As part of TetRRIs, Cantabria will bring RRI dimensions (gender equality and public engagement) to integrate with its regional innovation strategies as far as industrial change and culture (axis1) and technology and knowledge (axis 2) are concerned.
Pilot 4 – Szeged Timisoara
These two entities are combined as they are bordering territories where clear synergies can be shared in research and industry.
Unlike Pilot Regions 1-3, Szeged-Timisoara will be focused exclusively on learning taking from the project’s discoveries with a view to moving the region gradually towards beginning the process of integration of RRI in local development and innovation for the sustainablee construction and creative industries.
Unique within TetRRIs, the fourth pilot region brings together The Hungarian-Romania ‘dual’ region of Szeged-Timisoara.

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