tetRRIS Workshop: a virtual space to exchange RRI experiences

Greetings from the project coordinator Mika Nieminen

The “tetRRIS October workshop” was organised on the 19th and 20th of October as a space to share experiences, learn from each other and support the challenges in regional implementation of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). The two-day online workshop was led by VTT, the coordinating partner of tetRRIS project.

For two days, project partners shared a virtual space thanks to the “Howspace” platform designed by VTT. This digital tool enables participants to engage with others in a new and exciting way. Even though everyone successfully shared their ideas, thoughts, and comments about tetRRIS via the platform in real time, we can’t wait for the next meeting or workshop to be face-to-face!  

Screenshot of the “Howspace” platform

Day 1: tetRRIS workshop  

  • Objective: getting to know each other and sharing experiences  

Our project coordinator Mika Nieminen opened the workshop by welcoming all participants and giving an overview of the upcoming sessions. Next, the four pilot regions (Cantabria, Karlsruhe, Szeged-Timisoara and Tampere) introduced the drivers and challenges of their respective territory. They discussed regional pilot activities and presented their solutions to challenges. The Tampere region, for example, selected four steps to address key issues through R&I strengths:  

  • Embedding the RRI dimensions into the Regional Development Strategy   
  • Collaborating the Karlsruhe region  
  • Creating a corporate responsibility accelerator hub  
  • Partnering with the SPRINT innovation festival 2021 and the Ekothon II event  

After this fruitful session, Johan Stierna, S3 Platform Team Leader at JRC (Joint Research Centre) presented “innovation strategies for sustainability (S4) – transform into a resilient, green and digital economy”. Ismo Ulvila, Head of Communication at the EC Representation to Finland, talked about “Climate finance, Paris Article 2.1.c) and EU sustainable finance”.  To finish the day, four breakout rooms were created in order to discuss regional impacts and learning effects in “petit comité”. These smaller groups left more room for interaction and dialogue.   

Day 2: Consortium meeting   

  • Objective: moving tetRRIS forward  

To start off day two, we went over the first day’s lessons. An eighty-minute session answered the question “what did pilot regions learn?”. After a much-needed coffee break, we focused on the administration of the project: how to correctly present the mid-term review and create financing reports. The day finished with a little brainstorming session of the next steps for Work Package 4 (WP4) and Work Package 5 (WP5) and tetRRIS’ communication and dissemination strategy.  

It’s already been one year since the tetRRIS project kicked-off; time flies! This was the second workshop since the project started and it was a complete success. Partners got a chance to contribute to the project with their ideas and expertise on RRI and S3. We want to extend our gratitude to our project partners for their valuable contributions and active participation and to our keynote speakers for their insightful presentations. A special thanks to the VTT team and our project coordinator Mika Nieminen for moderating the workshop.   

Click here to learn more about tetRRIS (Territorial responsible research and innovation and smart specialisation). 

Hits: 290

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