About tetRRIS

TetRRIS: Territorial Responsible Research And Innovation and Smart Specialization

tetRRIS is an EU funded project aiming to bring Responsible Research and Innovation in alignment with the Smart Specialisation paradigm and governance within 4 pilot experiment regions from the European Union.

Tampere, Karlsruhe, Cantabria, and Szeged-Timisoara are the central focus and these are the pilot regions/territories  through which the projects experiments will be channeled. tetRRIS will marry RRI with S3 in the pilot regions with its activities centred on the project’s pilot regions will go through several stages: identifying and scoping; framing and orchestration; co-design, deployment and continuation; policy messages and scientific insights.

Identify, develop and replicate

Identifying and Scoping

Critical to the understanding of RRI within the pilot regions is the first phase where a mapping of regional R&I actors and societal stakeholders who are seeking a resolution to issues affecting R&I at a local/territorial level (TRIS).

Framing and Orchestration

Ensuring engagement and participation within the project will be at the heart of Phase 2 when project partners will prepare the project’s research activities. This phase will put exploration as a central modus operandi. Exploration will reach far from initial tetRRIS actors to and their relations with grand challenges to territorial and government actors. Phase 2 will also make clear what RRI level is present within the existing systems and potential territorial connections. An exploration of TRIS societal constituencies with uncommon perspectives will also be pursued. As a result, the project will have framed and orchestrated the issues at stake for the territorial pilot regions with a view to making concrete plans for activities in phase 3.

Co-design, Deployment and Continuation

At the very center of the tetRRIS sits phase 3 where pilot actions will be enacted and their future impact and sustainability planned. Phase 3 is structured by activities within the co-design category and the deployment category. Pilot regions will will first co-design the activities that will be undertaken in their territories involving actors from their region with the guidance and support of the research partners. Following the co-design intervention, the pilots will expand and take in a wider group of actors that can widen the activities related to RRI issues. Territorial pilot protocols and ethical protocols will be the main outcomes from this phase. These distinct, separate protocols will be used to further facilitate the activities’ longevity in regional policy processes beyond the lifetime of the project.

Policy Messages and Insights

While Phase 3 focused on the concrete activities required to integrate RRI with S3 within the pilot regions/territories, Phase 4 will focus on extracting the learnings of the project to enable replications and continuation. With the aim of making the projects’ learnings accessible, tetRRIS will develop guidelines and policy briefs while making active contribution the academic discussion related to RRI and RIS3.

tetRRIS project’s four phase approach to integrating RRI within S3 aims to contribute to the understanding and practical application of RRI principles and dimensions in local and given Territorial Research and Innovation Systems. This integration, the project hopes, will better enable scientific knowledge on how policy makers within the territories of the pilot regions and beyond can make value-drive transformations. Through tetRRIs, learnings applicable to policy and implementation across a broad spectrum of actors and levels will be spread allowing the changes to be made to tetRRIS and development approaches.

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