RRI Tools

Useful tools to analyse and understand regional innovation systems and the existing practice of RRI within them.

Tool to map and analyse existing RRI practices at the level of regional innovation systems and individual projects.


This document, produced in the framework of the TetRRIS project, sets out a framework and a “mapping tool” to analyse regional innovation systems and the existing practice of RRI within them. The Deliverable provides a concise introduction to the concept of regional innovation systems, and to the concept of RRI. Particular attention is given to the different but overlapping ways RRI has been construed by different authors. The text discusses the relevance of RRI for regional innovation and development, and possible obstacles to integrating RRI into regional innovation and development practices, both at the system and the project level. On this basis, it then develops the “mapping tool”, an extended set of questions that scholars and practitioners can use to analyse the structures, workings and culture of a given region’s innovation system, both at the system and project level. The tool should enable analysts to understand the system’s and the projects’ structures, processes and goals, and allow them to identify to what extent RRI is already being de facto practiced in the region and in these projects, and where particular needs, challenges and problems exist that RRI might be able to help address.


Handbook on Policy Recommendations


This Handbook of Policy Recommendations is abstracted from the experience, results and analytical conclusions from the TetRRIS project. It is designed for policy makers and practitioners who may wish to undertake initiatives to strengthen RRI in their regions. To this end, after briefly summarising the pilot actions conducted in the
different regions in the course of the TetRRIS project, it presents an analysis of
the drivers/opportunities and barriers/obstacles to the recognition and uptake of
RRI, before deriving policy recommendations on this basis. The aim of this
Handbook is generalisation and transferability to other regions. For this reason,
the text largely dispenses with detailed, pilot-specific analysis.


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