Don’t miss the final conference of the IAMRRI project! The online event will take place on the 8th and 9th of September. The “IAMRRI Future Talk” will showcase the results of the project and a panel discussion with experts will be held.
Key topics of the event
- web of innovation value chains in additive manufacturing (AM)
- innovation use cases of additive manufacturing in automotive and medical application
- “Agent Base Modelling” of web of innovation value chains in AM and learning
- “Responsible Research and Innovation” (RRI) and opening in additive manufacturing innovation system
- foresight scenarios about the future in additive manufacturing and the European stakeholder
There will also be a panel discussion with experts on the future of innovation in AM and opening for RRI. The second part of the event will open the perspectives to future trends and developments in the key topics of the IAMRRI project. The panelists are members of the project team and European experts on RRI, additive manufacturing and innovation science. Participants of the IAMRRI Future Talk are invited to bring in their thoughts in the panel discussions.
What’s the purpose of “Future talk”?
- To showcase the complexity of the European innovation system in additive manufacturing, which is built of several interacting added value chains performing idea generation, research, product development and dissemination of products and service and building interacting web. This type of innovation system was defined as a web of innovation value chains.
- To introduce the best options of “Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) political agendas” as gender equality, open access, public engagement, ethics or science education in an evolving innovation system like additive manufacturing.
We hope to see you there! You can register in the link below
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